

2018 Q2 Personal Net Worth Report

My Personal Net Worth Report For Q2 2018

Well, the market has had it’s ups and downs this year, but it really hasn’t gone anywhere. This has really muted my growth compared to last year. Still, I look for sectors to invest in, even if I do believe that we are near a top.

I mean, what am I going to do with the money? I am certainly not going to go out and spend it on fancy things. However, the family and I did just get back from a trip visiting my brother in Alaska, which cost in the realm of $3,000. Rental cars are expensive there! During my last trip there, before kids, I just went out and bought a cheap old truck off of craigslist. I figured that my brother could resell it and we could split the proceeds and still come out ahead of the damn rental prices.

That is one example of how my mindset is different than most people. I mean how many would do that? But it is because I have a big goal – to become financially independent. And the only way to achieve that is to have a different mindset than 99% of the population. Becoming financially independent is an enormous goal needs to underline how you look at the world and the decisions you make.

When you commit to saving a major portion of your household income each year, you’re choosing to live in a way that’s likely significantly different than how you were raised and also significantly different than how the vast majority of Americans live.

You have to think a little differently and the only way to do that is to cultivate a different mindset.

Over the last few years, I’ve spent a lot of time cultivating that mindset. At first unintentionally, and then with a powerful focus. I’ve read mountains of books and hundreds of hours of video on self-improvement and personal finance.

This is how I have managed to go from a net worth of $81,000 at the start of 2015 to where I am today just 3 1/2 years later.

Ok, enough preaching, on to the 2nd quarter results. I ended Q1 2018 with a net worth of $252,366.


Starting $20,204 Ending $19,926 [-$278]

Cash levels were maintained in the $20k area. Nothing too exciting here, but I would like to bulk up this area as am I getting closer to early retirement.


Starting $102,403 Ending $108,286 [+$5,882]

With the changes in the tax law, I did some calculations and found out that I am able to change my contributions through work and end up paying no taxes. This has to do with the changes to the standard deduction. So yeah, I am paying no income tax anymore – pretty sweet. Anything that was going towards income tax is now going towards my retirement account so that my paychecks remain the same.

Since my adjusted gross income was so low, the savings are only in the $80 per month area. I’ll take it though!


Starting $58,669 Ending $57,494 [+$1,175]

This mortgage is my only debt. Feels good to have only a small mortgage, but it will feel better when I owe the bank nothing.


Starting $189,450 Ending $192,090 [+$2,640]

This isn’t ALL my other assets as that would be crazy. This is three cars and a house.

Even though I am up $2,640 this quarter, I am still down for the year. Just like the rest of the markets (crypto and stock).

All together this comes out to a net worth of $261,506!


For reference, here are the previous quarter net worth increase results:

Q1 2018: $6,987
Q4 2017: $17,822
Q3 2017: $19,096
Q2 2017: $18,513
Q1 2017: $16,671

As you can see, this is about half the rate from this time last year. It is just so hard fighting against a market that doesn’t cooperate. Still, I managed to eek out a slight increase over the previous quarter.

This quarter I increased my net worth by an average $3,046 per month or just a few cents under $100 per day.

If you like my graphs here, I get them because I use Personal Capital. If you want to sign up, use this link and we will both get $20!

How have your financial pursuits been this quarter?


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  1. Cody @ Dollar Habits

    I love your strategy of saying F-U to high rental car prices by buying an old truck to flip when you were done with it. Brilliant! Congrats on a good quarterly gain. May not be as much of a gain as some previous quarters, but increasing your net worth by $3k a month is certainly nothing to sneeze at. You are on a great trajectory, my friend!

    1. MrDD

      Haha, if only my brother was better at selling! He had decided to leave Alaska to move back home in a couple months after that trip (which he then just turned around and moved back to Alaska). That short timeline made him sell it for under value.

  2. Mr. Robot

    Different mindset…check.

    Great to see your results Mr. DD, well on track for your goals.
    Mr. Robot recently posted…June 2018 Dividend ReportMy Profile

    1. MrDD

      Thanks! Slow and steady will get me there.

  3. Reverse The Crush

    Thanks for sharing your net worth update, Justin! And you’re exactly right about having a different mindset. I don’t know anyone that would purchase and sell a vehicle to avoid rent costs. Smart move! Your financial situation is in fantastic shape! You have a nice portfolio and your only debit is productive debt. Plus that’s a small mortgage balance. Keep up the awesome work man! As for my finances, my net worth and dividend income has been slowly increasing. I finally feel like I’m starting to get somewhere but I have a long way to go.
    Reverse The Crush recently posted…Blogging by the Numbers | Social Media & Email Subscriber Growth – July 2018My Profile

    1. MrDD

      Thanks! I am actually getting close to a huge FIRE bomb. Only about 6 months to go!

  4. FIbythecommonguy

    Congrats on a great Q2! It has been a tough first half of the year, but looks like you are still tracking in the right direction. I like the though of $100/day average increase to your net worth.
    FIbythecommonguy recently posted…June 2018: Net Worth Update #15My Profile

    1. MrDD

      Yeah, $100 per day is looking pretty good in the current financial environment!

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